Rebranding a global landscape and forestry restoration organisation



iNovaland’s mission is to restore and regenerate degraded forests and landscapes for the benefit of people, nature and the climate. They channel investments into innovative landscape restoration and nature-positive solutions, collaborating with a wide range of partners and putting communities at the heart of their work. Established in 2020, iNovaland have a range of restoration projects spanning across Portugal, South America and West Africa.


Craft a new visual identity for the iNovaland Group, an umbrella organisation to a further three organisations – iNovaland Investments, NGPTA and New Generations Plantations.

A man picking his harvest of crops in a field in Ghana, West Africa in the sunshine.
A man tending to his crops in a field in Ghana, West Africa.

Communicating impact with storytelling

Some of the frameworks and concepts used within their work are quite technical, so being able to describe them in a simple coherent way is really important. The way that they describe the impact of their work, is critical for onboarding partners and attracting funders to support projects.

With people and planet at the core of their work, the solution has to feel connected with the core impact of their work.

A diagram showing how the iNovaland logo was created using the concepts of ecosystem, people and restoration as the main themes.
The iNovaland logo and three icons designed to depict their core business objectives – ecosystem integrity, inclusion and green growth.
A herd of elephants walking next to a river in Africa.
A group of three women working in a tree nursery in Ghana. They are smiling and they have a large group of tree saplings at their feet, waiting to be planted.
A brand guideline document explaining the development of the iNovaland logo and its core components, such as colour, typography and iconography.
A mock-up of iNovaland's landing page from the website on a laptop and mobile device.
Man carrying a green tote bag with the iNovaland logo printed on the side of it.
A set of vector illustrations showing concepts discussed on the New Generation Plantations platform.

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